Dr Imran Younas
GP Partner
MD, MRCGP, PGDip Cardiology

Dr Sreekanth Narsupalli
GP Partner

Advanced Nurse Practitioners
Nurse Lorraine Williams
Nurse Philip Charlton

Our ANP's oversee the 'same day' clinical workload within the surgery. This consists of patients who may need to be seen that day. Patients are therefore more likely to see an ANP for ailments like prolonged cough, rash, fever, sore throat, back pain, mole checks, unwell child. You are less likely to see an ANP for a concern that is complicated, chronic, or palliative.
Nurse Denise Morgan
Nurse Samantha Ready

Our Practice Nurses provides many services to our patients including smears, dressings, travel vaccinations, contraception advice as well as treating patients with long term health conditions such as asthma, COPD, diabetes, and hypertension. Denise also runs our child immunisation clinic.
Healthcare Assistant and Phlebotomist
Kerry and Helen
HCA's carry out many services at the surgery, for example, ECGs, blood pressure checks, removal of sutures, B12 injections, flu vaccinations and dressings. They also carry out our NHS health checks. The phlebotomist carries out the blood tests for patients and these are now held on the first floor of the building.
Pharmacy Technician
Our pharmacy technician Kim is clinically trained to deal with hospital discharges, clinical letters from other health care settings and medication changes and queries. Kim also deals with our clinical audits that are carried out in practice to keep our patients care safe and up to date.
Receptionist/Care Navigators
The team are there to support patient and staff queries around appointments as well as a variety of ad hoc tasks. The team have training in care navigation and signposting, ensuring that patients are directed to the appropriate person/team to make sure the patients experience is as efficient and personal as possible.
Administration Team
Jo and Rabia are our Administrators who deal with new patients notes, Patient access requests, clinical coding of documents, the distribution of documentation to the clinical team and ensuring strict information governance policies are adhered to, keeping your data safe yet accessible to you when you need it.
Practice Secretary/Patient Experience Lead
Chloe our Practice Secretary provides all aspects of secretarial support to the clinical team and liaises with multiple health professionals and local authorities. They are responsible for ensuring timely referrals and assisting patients with any queries. Our secretary also deal with SARs requests and insurance reports.
Patient Champions
We have a number of our staff who work under our patient champion umbrella from all areas of the team. Our patient Champions may be offered to you during a particularly difficult time as a point of contract and source of help navigating the primary care and voluntary sector services. We pride ourselves on offering this personal touch and utilising the skill set of various staff throughout our surgery. This service is free and confidential.
Practice Management Team
Practice Manager
The Practice Manager is the person who manages all of the business aspects of the practice such as making sure that the right systems are in place to provide a high, safe quality of patient care, liaising with patients to improve our services, future planning to ensure resilience of the practice, human resource, and finance. The Practice Management team support the clinical and non-clinical staff with delivering quality patient services and developing extended services to enhance patient care.
Data Quality Enhanced Services
Carly is our Data Quality/ES administrator who manages patients long term conditions in the recommended timeframe via a birth month recall system. Carly also manages the surgeries text system which is used to obtain health data from our patients. This role heavily supports clinicians in achieving quality patient care and improved patient condition management.
Operations Manager
The Operations Manager duties are to help maintain the ‘day to day’ running of the surgery. They support staff with queries and help to deal with issues that may arise within the surgery.
Community Nurses
Our Community Nurses work as a team within the Gosport area and so may cover for each other at times of illness, holiday and study leave. The Community Nurses provide care for patients at home with acute, chronic, serious and terminal illness and for those who need post-operative care. They can advise on incontinence and home nursing aids. If you need home nursing care, please ask your doctor. They can be contacted on 0300 1211527.